Fire Safety and Security Systems

ARC Fire Safety & Security Ltd provide extensive support to clients new and existing across the southern half of the UK and London.
Our services include the design, installation and service support of Fire, CCTV, Access control, Intruder alarms, Emergency lights and Nursecall systems.
Since the company’s formation, we have also become a leading specialist in wireless radio fire alarm solutions.

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The Importance of Third-Party Accreditation in Fire and Intruder Alarm Systems

The Importance of Third-Party Accreditation in Fire and Intruder Alarm Systems

 17 March 2025

In the UK, third-party accreditation from respected bodies such as BAFE, SSAIB, and ISO 9001 is an essential indicator that an alarm company meets the highest standards of quality, safety, and compliance. In this blog post, we’ll explore why third-party accreditation is crucial for fire and intruder alarm systems and why it should be a key factor when selecting a provider.
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