Quality Policy

ARC Fire Safety & Security Ltd designs, installs and maintains fire and Intruder alarm systems, and has a vision to deliver the highest standard of quality in the delivery of these services to its customers.

To meet these requirements, and achieve quality in all areas of the business, the Company's policy is to operate a Quality Management System, (QMS) to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2015.

Top management is committed to:

  • Continually assessing products and services from suppliers and sub-contractors, to ensure these meet the standards required to deliver the quality service to customers.
  • Maintain a system of internal audits and appraisals for all staff, so development and training requirements can be monitored, and feedback can be used for improvement.
  • Provide the necessary training to all staff members so the expected quality of service to customers and compliance with legislation can be achieved.
  • Maintaining a system of customer feedback to ensure all positive and negative experiences are recorded and used for improvement.

  • Ensuring alll equipment, including vehicles, tools, test equipment, PPE, IT, is suitable, compliant and calibrated so employees can effectively carry out their work.

  • Providing a safe working environment for all employees and sub-contractors.

  • Analysing and reducing risks to all areas of the business.

This policy will be communicated to all employees, subcontractors and key partners.

All employees, sub-contractors and key partners are expected to co-operate and work in accordance with this policy.

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Directors. The next review is due in February 2026.

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Andy Burridge, Managing Director
16 February 2025

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