Environmental Policy


ARC Fire Safety & Security Ltd recognises that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. The company is committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually looking to improve our strategy and working methods with the environment in mind. Where possible, we will encourage customers, suppliers and all stakeholders to do the same.

Policy aims

We will endeavour to,

  • Maintain employee awareness of the policy and required actions through communication lines including, emails, meetings, newsletters.
  • Maintain a culture of continual improvement of environmental impact and monitoring where this is possible.
  • Consider and incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.


Due to the nature of the business, travel is a large part of everyday activity. Where possible, we will reduce the impact of travel as follows,

  • Promote the use of online meetings wherever possible where it is not vital that we meet stakeholders face to face.
  • Use public transport at every opportunity. All non-engineering trips to London are now via public transport.
  • Vehicle share to meetings and where site locations allow, advise Engineers to vehicle share.
  • Due to the geography of the business areas covered, it has been decided that at this point in time, EV’s are not suitable for Engineers until the national infrastructure improves. EV’s and Hybrid vehicles are being used for middle and upper management and Surveyors vehicles. All vehicles are maintained in accordance with the manufacturers service schedules to maintain efficiency.

Waste & Recycling

We will use the following guidelines to reduce the impact of waste and improve recycling,

  • Use both internal and external recycling bins as well as standard waste bins.
  • Think before we print out any document or drawing – Does it need to be printed ?
  • Keep any scrap paper that could be used for internal printing.
  • Recycle all printer toners and cartridges.
  • All site waste to be correctly disposed, taking into consideration recycling.
  • Minimise the use of paper in the office. A new company wide software system has been installed in 2024 which will hugely reduce the use of paper.
  • Engineers to use the new Service software so 95% of all call dockets are currently electronic. Small Service daywork quotes are now sent directly to the customer via the new system, negating any paper use.
  • More of the company’s quotes are now being completed through the Uptick software system, which is reducing the amount of paper being printed for quote files.
  • All batteries and electronic waste is being recycled through local approved WEEE licensed companies, in accordance with the EU directive EU for electrical & electronic waste 2012/19/EU.
  • All scrap metal and cable is being disposed through licensed contractors.
  • Where suitable for the business, recycled products will be given priority.


We will reduce the amount of energy used using the following actions,

  • All lighting in the office to be converted to LED. This is complete in 2024.
  • Commence the installation of room lighting sensors instead of switches, which are sometimes left on.
  • There is consideration for HVAC and this will be monitored for correct and efficient use.
  • The IT infrastructure is now mostly cloud based so PC’s can be switched off at night.
  • Complete an annual review of utility providers and consider low or carbon neutral suppliers.
  • Ensure taps are turned off at all times when not used.


We will monitor the supply chain and review suppliers to ensure their environmental aspirations meet ours. This will be done by,

  • The most environmentally effective product or equipment is evaluated and given priority.
  • Bulk buy where possible to reduce the number of deliveries.
  • Question suppliers’ environmental aspirations during annual review meetings.
  • Work with local suppliers wherever possible, reducing the impact of travel and energy. Current examples are,
    • Specialist printing within 2 miles
    • Battery supplier within 1 mile
    • Some security items within 1 mile
    • Main equipment supplier within 10 miles
    • Branded clothing supplier within 6 miles


We will maintain a culture of review, improvement and communication as follows:

  • Communicate the policy annually to all staff and ask them for feedback or suggestions on improvement.
  • Review the policy annually and include any changes.
  • Send the policy to other stakeholders.
  • Put this policy, along with the Sustainability policy on the website.
  • Provide staff with training where necessary and include them in the environmental process.


Managing Director, Andy Burridge has overall responsibility for the application and communication of this policy to ensure the culture of the consideration of environmental impact by the actions of the company are continually reviewed.

This policy will be reviewed annually. The next review is due in August 2025.

Download PDF Version

Andy Burridge, M.D.
13th August 2024

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