Celebrate Our 20th Birthday

 21 February 2022
20th Birthday Celebrations

Happy 20th Birthday to us! ARC Fire Safety & Security is thrilled to celebrate two decades of dedication, growth, and excellence. From our humble beginnings to our current standing as a leading name in the industry, our journey has been marked by unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

The Beginning

Our story began in 2002 when CEO Alan Simpson founded ARC Fire Safety & Security. Alan's vision was clear: to provide top-notch fire safety and security solutions with an emphasis on exceptional customer care. Starting the business from his bedroom, Alan's dedication quickly paid off as previous customers from his former fire alarm company sought out ARC's services. Among these early clients were prestigious names such as Winchester Cathedral, Winchester Council, and Waverley Borough Council, who recognised the superior level of service and expertise that Alan brought to the table.


The company's initial expansion from a back bedroom to a small garage unit behind some shops was a significant milestone. This modest space was the first step in a journey that would see ARC grow exponentially. Today, we work from a large office building, a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. Our multi-million-pound turnover and staff of 25 employees are the results of our relentless focus on customer care and service excellence.

Alan Simpson reflects on this remarkable journey with pride and gratitude: "We are delighted to be celebrating 20 successful years. With the amazing team we have in place, we look forward to steady, continued growth while still delivering a great service to our loyal customers." Alan's words encapsulate the spirit of ARC – a company built on the foundation of trust, reliability, and exceptional service.

Over the years, ARC Fire Safety & Security has built a reputation for excellence in the fire safety and security industry. Our comprehensive range of services includes fire alarm installation and maintenance, security systems, emergency lighting, and much more. Each service is delivered with the same level of care and attention that Alan instilled in the company from day one.

Growth & Development

The success of ARC Fire Safety & Security is not just measured by our financial achievements or the growth of our workforce. It is also reflected in the strong relationships we have built with our clients. Many of our customers have been with us since the early days, and their continued trust and loyalty are the true measure of our success. We are proud to serve a diverse clientele, from small businesses to large organizations, each benefiting from our tailored solutions and exceptional customer service.

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we also look to the future with excitement and optimism. The fire safety and security industry is constantly evolving, and ARC is committed to staying at the forefront of these changes. We continuously update our technologies and methodologies to provide our clients with the best possible solutions. Our focus remains on delivering high-quality services that meet the ever-changing needs of our customers.

The Next 20 Years

Looking ahead, ARC Fire Safety & Security aims to expand our reach and impact further. We are exploring new markets and opportunities, driven by the same principles that have guided us for the past two decades. Our commitment to customer care, quality, and innovation will continue to be the pillars of our success.

Celebrating 20 years of ARC Fire Safety & Security is a significant milestone. It is a celebration of our past achievements, a reflection of our core values, and a testament to our commitment to excellence. We are grateful to our customers, employees, and partners who have been part of this incredible journey. Here's to many more years of growth, success, and exceptional service. Happy birthday to us!


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